Tìm hiểu các khái niệm cơ bản trong phát âm gồm:
- Nguyên âm, phụ âm
- Trọng âm
- Ngữ điệu
Chuyên đề 1: Ngữ âm và Trọng âm
Bài 1: Tổng quan về phát âm - Pronunciation
- Vowels
- Consonants
- Stress
- Intonation
I. Vowels
dog, dg, cat, ct
2. More than 20 vowels
- Monophthongs: æ, e, uː, ɪ
- Diphthongs: aɪ, eɪ, aʊ
- Triphthongs: ɑɪə, ɑʊə
Example: That is our house
æ ɪ ɑʊə aʊ
II. Consonants
1. dog, dg, cat, ct
2. More than 20 consonants
- Voiced: d, g, b
- Voiceless: t, k, p
Examples: Tom never feels happy.
Dominique plays football very well.
3. Linking
- This is a nice scene of sunset.
- The wizard of Oz
- President Barack Obama
III. Stress
1. Word-level stress
Occupation, Travel, Disrespect
2. Sentence-level stress
This is my bag.
- This, not that
- Is, not isn't, not was
- My, not yours
- Bag, not back, not anything else
3. How do you recognize stress?
- Pitch
- Force
- Lenght
- This is my bag
- That is your present.
IV. Intonation
1. What is intonation?
- Are you an FA?
- My God, you're an FA?
- You're an FA?!
- She's an FA.
2. What is the function of intonation?
- Anger: What? Peter!
- Surprised: Wow! This is amazing!
- Satisfaction: It was very good.
- Mocking: Good?
- Many other feelings.
V. Pronunciation in action
Today we've learnt a lot about pronunciation. We've discussed a little bit about vowels, consonants, stress, linking and intonation. We've also taken a look at some axamples for each.
In the next 9 videos, we are going to practice a lot more with pronunciation. I hope that the contents you will learn will be helpful for you as you prepare yourself for the National High School English Exam.
Any questions?